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What Are Pantone Verified Displays And Why Are They Relevant

Branding  -  March 24, 2022

What Are Pantone Verified Displays And Why Are They Relevant


As the leading brand in the color development industry, Pantone holds authority that most businesses strive for. Pantone has used their reach to establish a color grading system, known as the Pantone Matching System (PMS) match. PMS is a universally used color grading system. It even unites other color grading systems, like CMYK, RGB, and HEX. 


In addition to Pantone creating their own matching system, they validate other products that show accurate colors. They’ve validated anything from Smart TVs to 3D printers. They also validate a wide spectrum of computer monitors and laptop displays. This is relevant because creatives, artists, and designers all need an accurate representation of the colors on their screen. 


This validation can affect everything from web design to physical print. If you approve a proof with incorrect colors because they are discernable on your display, that order may need to be reprinted. If a web developer doesn’t use the proper RGB or HEX codes, the website’s theme may look different than the printed products or even the logo. 


When building a brand’s style guide, it’s best to start with PMS colors and then convert them to CYMK, RGB, and HEX. Pantone has painstakingly gone through the process of collating the best CMYK, RGB, and HEX values for their PMS colors, found in their Color Bridge guides. Find them for purchase here


Why would Pantone validate monitors if they can show a wider range of colors than PMS can?


Pantone’s validations ensure that when you’re looking at a color, you know it’s accurate to what you’ll see when that same color is printed. A Pantone validation is less about how the colors will be used, and more that PMS colors are displayed accurately to life.  


Which Companies Sell Pantone Validated Displays?


Many large players in the computer display industry have Pantone validated products. See the list below:





Hewlett Packard






If you’re looking to have your brand brought to life, J&R Marketing has you covered. Contact us on our website here or call us at (401) 326-2932.

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